Department of Educational Evaluation and Counselling Psychology (EECP)

Code Title
GCE111 Introduction to Guidance and Couselling
GCE112 Principles and Techniques in Guidance and Couselling
GCE113 Organization & Administration of Guidance and Counselling
GCE114 Introduction to Psychology
GCE121 Educational and Vocational Guidance
GCE122 Introduction to Rehabilitation
GCE123 Introduction to Social Development
GCE211 Theories of Counselling
GCE212 Introduction to Biological Psychology
GCE213 Individual and Group Procedures in Guidance and Counselling
GCE214 Techniques of Guidance and Counselling
GCE221 Personality Theories and Social Adjustment
GCE222 Child and Adolescent Psychology
GCE223 Childhood Education
GCE224 Use of Tests in Guidance and Counselling
GCE311 Career Theories, Occupational Information and Job Evaluation
GCE312 Introduction to Behaviour Modification and Psychotherapy
GCE313 Introduction to Industrial Counselling
GCE314 Introduction to Computer Science Application
GCE321 Psychology of Adjustment
GCE322 Family Counselling and Child Guidance
GCE323 Clinical Psychology
GCE324 Counselling Practicum I
GCE411 Counselling for Special Needs
GCE412 Pastoral Counselling
GCE413 Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Work Places
GCE414 Ethical and Professional Responsibilities in Counselling
GCE421 Counselling Practicum II
GCE422 Sex, Family and Marital Counselling
GCE423 Psychology of Deviant Development and Behaviour Modification
GCE424 Clinical Psychology and Community Counselling
GCE425 Management and Counselling of the Aged
SPE111 Introduction to Special Education
SPE112 Introduction to Tools & Assistive Technology I
SPE113 Anatomy & Physiology of Sensory Organs
SPE114 Introduction to the Education for Children with Intellectual Disability
SPE121 Assessment of Children with Special Needs
SPE122 Strategies for Teaching Children with Special Needs
SPE211 Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children
SPE212 Reading and Reading Instruction for Exceptional Children
SPE213 Language Development
SPE214 Introduction to Inclusive Education
SPE221 Braille Reading and Writing
SPE222 Testing in Special Education and Techniques in Continuous Assessment
SPE222_B Mobility Pre-cane
SPE223 Visual Handicapped Method I
SPE224 Testing in Special Education and Technology in Continuous Assessment
SPE231 Simultaneous Sign Language and Deaf Culture
SPE232 Auditory-Oral Methods
SPE233 Curriculum Development and Instructional Methods for Children with Special Needs
SPE241 Identification and Assessment of LD
SPE243 Learning Disabilities Methods I
SPE311 Therapy for Behaviour Disturbed
SPE312 Working with Parents of the Handicapped
SPE313 Voice Speech & Language Disorders
SPE314 Giftedness and Talentedness
SPE321 Mobility Orientation
SPE322 Visual Impaired Method
SPE323 Advanced Braille
SPE331 Audiology & Aural Rehabilitation
SPE332 Intermediate Sign Language
SPE333 Advanced Sign Language
SPE341 Reading Disabilities
SPE342 Method & Materials in LD
SPE400 Practicum
SPE411 Vocational Planning for the Handicapped
SPE412 Advanced Seminar and Research in Special Education
SPE413 Society and Disabled
SPE414 Special Education Administration
SPE421 Child Development
SPE422 Social Psychology

Code Title
BAEDGDC B.Sc. (Ed) Guidance & Counselling
BEDSPED Bachelor of Education (Special Education)
MEDCPSY M.Ed. Counselling Psychology
MEDCPSYPT M.Ed. Counselling Psychology (PT)
MEDECE M.Ed. Early Childhood Education
MEDME M.Ed. Measurement and Evaluation
MEDMED M.Sc. Ed. Mathematics Education
MEDMEPT M.Ed. Measurement and Evaluation (PT)
MEDMEV M.Ed Measurement and Evaluation
MPHCP Mphil. Counselling Psychology
MPHILCPSY M. Phil Counselling Psychology
MPHILME M.Phil. Measurement and Evaluation
PHDCPSY Ph.D. Counseling Psychology
PHDECE Ph.D. Early Childhood Education
PHDISS Ph.D. Islamic Studies
PHDME Ph.D Measurement and Evaluation
PHDMEV Ph.D Measurement and Evaluation

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