Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology (PBB)

Code Title
BIO101 General Biology I
BIO107 General Biology Practical I
BOT102 Introductory Botany
BOT801 Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
BOT802 Current Topics
BOT803 Plant Biosystematics
BOT804 Biogeography
BOT805 Advanced Plant Taxonomy
BOT806 Advanced Cytology
BOT807 Palynology
BOT808 Plant Conservation
BOT809 Advanced Plant Ecology
BOT810 Plant Eco-physiology
BOT811 Weed Biology
BOT812 Ecology of Aquatic Macrophytes
BOT813 Biochemistry of Carbohydrates Proteins and Lipids
BOT814 Plant Ecotoxicology
BOT815 Biochemistry and Physiology of Plant Growth Regulation
BOT816 Taxonomy and Ecology of Parasitic Angiosperms
BOT817 Applied Plant Physiology
BOT818 Advanced Molecular Biology
BOT819 Advanced Cell Biology
BOT820 Epidemiology and Control of Plant Diseases
BOT821 Advanced Mycology
BOT823 Methods in Plant Pathology
BOT824 Limnology
BOT825 Advanced Primary Productivity
BOT826 Advanced Algology
BOT827 Cell and Tissue Culture Techniques
BOT828 Plant Diversity
BOT829 Pollution Ecology
BOT830 Molecular Genetics
BOT831 Population Genetics
BOT832 Mushroom Science
BOT833 Myxomycetology
BOT834 Environmental Audit and Impact Assessment
BOT835 Advanced Seed Science and Tech
BOT836 Plant Genetic Resources Management and Utilization
BOT837 Wetland Ecology
BOT838 Advanced Plant Anatomy Wood Science
BOT839 Physiology and Host-Parasite Interactions of Parasitic Vascular Plants
BOT840 Genetics, Cytology and Population Variation in Parasitic Vascular Plants
BOT841 Herbal Materia Medica
BOT842 Herbal Medicine: Philosophy, Policy and Ethics
BOT843 Herbal Clinical Internship
BOT845 Medicinal Mycology
BOT846 General Pharmacology
BOT850 Seminar
BOT851 Project Work
PBB111 Introduction to Plant Biology I
PBB122 Introduction to Plant Biology II
PBB211 Introductory Ecology
PBB212 Pteridology and Bryology
PBB213 Introductory Mycology and Lichenology
PBB215 Plant Biochemistry
PBB217 Environmental Botany
PBB221 Introduction to Developmental Cell
PBB222 Pteriodology and Bryology
PBB224 Introductory Genetics
PBB226 Higher Plants
PBB227 Environmental Botany
PBB228 Introductory Biotechnology
PBB229 Anatomy and Morphology of flowering plants
PBB311 Plant Taxonomy, Botanical Garden/Design and Maintenance
PBB312 Cell Biology
PBB313 Biometrics
PBB314 Scientific Research and Communication Skills
PBB315 Whole Plant Physiology
PBB316 Phycology
PBB317 Metabolic Plant Physiology
PBB319 Biological Techniques
PBB322 Cell Biology
PBB323 Paleobotany
PBB327 Taxonomy, Morphology and Physiology of Fungi
PBB327_B Taxonomy, Morphology and Physiology of Fungi
PBB328 Anatomy and Morphology of Flowering Plant
PBB329 Metabolic Plant Physiology
PBB400 Honours Option
PBB407 Seminar
PBB412 Molecular Biology
PBB413 Economic Plant Biology
PBB414 Plant Growth and Development
PBB415 Plant Ecology
PBB417 Taxonomy, Morphology and Physiology of Fungi
PBB418 Paleobotany
PBB419 Cytology
PBB421 Genetics
PBB423 Limnology
PBB427 Principles of Plant Pathology
PBB499 Honours Research Project
PBB801 Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
PBB803 Plant Biosystematics
PBB804 Biogeography
PBB805 Advanced Plant Taxonomy
PBB806 Advanced Cytology
PBB807 Palynology
PBB808 Plant Conservation
PBB809 Advanced Plant Ecology
PBB810 Plant Eco-Physiology
PBB811 Weed Biology
PBB812 Ecology of Aquatic Macrophytes
PBB813 Biochemistry of Carbohydrates, Protein and Lipids
PBB814 Plant Ecotoxicology
PBB815 Biochemistry and Physiology of Plant Growth Regulation
PBB816 Taxonomy and Ecology of Parasitic Angiosperms
PBB817 Applied Plant Physiology
PBB818 Advanced Molecular Biology
PBB819 Advanced Cell Biology
PBB820 Epidemiology and Control of Plant Diseases
PBB821 Advanced Mycology
PBB823 Methods in Plant Pathology
PBB824 Limnology
PBB825 Advanced Primary Productivity
PBB826 Advanced Aigology
PBB827 Cell and Tissue Culture Techniques
PBB828 Plant Diversity
PBB829 Pollution Ecology
PBB830 Molecular Genetics
PBB831 Population Genetics
PBB832 Mushroom Science
PBB833 Myxomycetology
PBB834 Environ. Audit and Impact Assessment
PBB835 Advanced Seed Science and Technology
PBB836 Plant Genetic Resources Management and Utilization
PBB837 Wetland Ecology
PBB838 Advanced Plant Anatomy and Wood Science
PBB839 Physiology and Host-Parasite Interactions of Parasitic Vascular Plants
PBB840 Genetics, Cytology and Population Variation in Parasitic Vascular Plants
PBB841 Herbal Material Medical
PBB842 Herbal Medicine: Philosophy, Policy and Ethics
PBB843 Herbal Clinical Internship
PBB845 Medicinal Mycology
PBB846 General Pharmacology

Code Title
BSCPBB B.Sc Plant Biology and Biotechnology
MPBIOS M.phil Biosystematics
MPBPFP M.phil Biology Of Parasitic Flowering Plants
MPCELLB M.phil Cell Biology
MPECOL M.phil Ecology
MPEPP M.phil Environmental Plant Physiology
MPGEN M.phil Genetics
MPLA M.phil Limnology And Agrology
MPMPP M.phil Mycology/Plant Pathology
MPPDC M.phil Plant Diversity And Conservation
MPPHYT M.phil Phytomedicine
MPPPB M.phil Plant Physiology And Biochemistry
MSCBIOS M.Sc. Biosystematics
MSCBPFP M.Sc. Biology Of Parasitic Flowering Plants
MSCCELLB M.Sc. Cell Biology
MSCECOL M.Sc. Ecology
MSCEMED M.Sc. Ethnomedicine
MSCEPP M.Sc. Environmental Plant Physiology
MSCGEN M.Sc. Genetics
MSCLA M.Sc. Limnology & Agrology
MSCMPP M.Sc. Mycology/Plant Pathology
MSCPBB M.Sc. Plant Biology & Biotechnology
MSCPDC M.Sc. Plant Diversity and Conservation
MSCPHYT M.Sc. Phytomedicine
MSCPPB M.Sc. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
PHDBIOS Ph.D. Biosystematics
PHDCELLB Ph.D. Cell Biology
PHDECOL Ph.D. Ecology
PHDEPP Ph.D. Environmental Plant Physiology
PHDGEN Ph.D. Genetics
PHDLA Ph.D. Limnology & Agrology
PHDMPP Ph.D. Mycology/Plant Pathology
PHDPBB Ph.D. Plant Biology & Biotechnology
PHDPDC Ph.D. Plant Diversity And Conservation
PHDPFP Ph.D. Biology Of Parasitic Flowering Plants
PHDPHYT Ph.D. Phytomedicine
PHDPPB Ph.D. Plant Physiology And Biochemistry

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