Department of Business Education (BED)

Code Title
BED115 Keyboarding
BED116 Introduction to Printing Technology 1
BED126 Foundations of Entrepreneurship
BED127 Introduction to Printing Technology 11
VED111 Introduction to Vocational Education

Code Title
BACEDU Bachelor of Education (Accounting)
BACESW Bachelor of Education (Accounting) PT
BBEEDU Bachelor of Education (Business Education)
BBEESW Bachelor of Education (Business Education) PT
BCSEDU Bachelor of Education (Computer Science)
BCSESW Bachelor of Education (Computer Science) PT
BENEDU Bachelor of Education (Entrepreneurship)
BENESW Bachelor of Education (Entrepreneurship) PT
BMKEDU Bachelor of Education (Marketing)
BMKESW Bachelor of Education (Marketing) PT
BTMEDU Bachelor of Education (Office Technology and Management)
BTMESW Bachelor of Education (Office Technology and Management) PT

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