Department of Geology (GLY)

Code Title
DIG001 Introduction to Geology I
DPG001 General Geology
DPG002 Botany I
DPG003 Introductory to General Chemistry
DPG004 Mathematics I
DPG005 Physics [Mechanics]
DPG006 Introductory Zoology
DPG007 Physical Geology
DPG021 Indrotuction to Field Geology
DPG022 Botany II
DPG023 General Chemistry II
DPG024 Elementary Statistics
DPG025 Physics II [Thermal Physics & Properties of Matter]
DPG026 Zoology II
DPG027 To Be Determined
DPG040 To Be Determined
DPG041 To Be Determined
DPG042 To Be Determined
DPG043 To Be Determined
DPG044 To Be Determined
DPG045 To Be Determined
DPG046 To Be Determined
DPG061 To Be Determined
DPG062 To Be Determined
DPG063 To Be Determined
DPG064 To Be Determined
DPG065 To Be Determined
GLY100 Introductory Geology
GLY101 Introductory Geology I
GLY110 Introductory Geology I
GLY120 Introductory Geology II
GLY200 Introduction to Field Geology
GLY201 Introduction to Structural Geology and Map Interpretation
GLY210 General Geology
GLY211 Introduction to Mineralogy and Crystallographyy
GLY212 Invertebrate Paleontology
GLY217 General Geology
GLY221 Introductory Petrology
GLY222 Introductory Stratigraphy
GLY300 Field Geology I
GLY301 Map Interpretation
GLY302 Geological Photo-interpretation
GLY310 Petrology of Igneous Rocks
GLY311 Sedimentology
GLY312 Structural Geology
GLY313 Mineralogy
GLY314 Introduction to Geophysics
GLY315 Geochemistry
GLY317 Geostatistics and Data Analysis
GLY320 Petrology of Metamorphic Rocks
GLY321 Stratigraphy
GLY322 Geotectonics
GLY324 Intro. to Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology
GLY325 Geology of ore Deposits and Fossil Fuels
GLY328 Geology of Nigeria
GLY400 Field Geology II
GLY401 Geology Project/seminar
GLY410 Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology
GLY411 Sedimentary Geology
GLY412 Economic Geology
GLY413 Micropalaeontology & Palynology
GLY415 Basin Analysis
GLY416 Hydrogeology
GLY417 Geostatistics and Data Analysis
GLY420 Engineering Geology
GLY422 Exploration Geochemistry
GLY423 Petroleum Geology
GLY424 Applied Geophysics
GLY425 Environmental Geology
GLY426 Marine Geology
GLY499 Geology Project/Seminar
GLY800 Structural Geology
GLY801 Geological Photo Interpretation
GLY802 Geomathematics
GLY803 Research Methods
GLY804 Seminar
GLY805 Report/Project
GLY806 Thesis/Dissertation
GLY807 Metalliferous and Non Metalliferous Deposits
GLY808 Geology of Metasomatic Rocks
GLY809 Geochemistry aspects of Ore Deposits
GLY810 Chemical Oceanography
GLY811 Exploration Geochemistry
GLY812 Mineral Economics, Mining Policy and Evaluation
GLY813 Industrial Rocks and Minerals
GLY814 Environmental Geochemistry
GLY815 Advanced Mineralogy
GLY816 Advanced Petrology
GLY817 Waste Disposal and Management
GLY818 Pollution and Environment
GLY819 Soil Science
GLY820 Geology and Geochemistry of petroleum Fluids
GLY821 Habitat of Petroleum
GLY822 Production Geology
GLY823 Formation Evaluation and well logging
GLY824 Advanced Sedimentology
GLY825 Sedimentary Petrology
GLY826 Integrated Petroleum Exploration
GLY830 Groundwater Geology
GLY831 Groundwater Chemistry and Water Quality
GLY832 Hydrogeology practicals
GLY833 Hydrology
GLY834 Water resources development & management
GLY836 Environmental Microbiology
GLY840 Mathematics for Geophysicists
GLY841 Gravity and Magnetic Methods
GLY842 General Geophysics
GLY843 Electrical Methods
GLY844 Seismic Methods
GLY845 Electromagnetic (EM) Methods
GLY847 Surveying Practice for Geologists
GLY848 Computational Techniques
GLY850 Advanced Micropleontology
GLY851 Biostratigraphy
GLY852 Paleoecology
GLY853 Organic Maturity and Petrology
GLY854 Palynology
GLY860 Soil Mechanics
GLY861 Rock Mechanics
GLY862 Engineering Geology
GLY863 Foundation Engineering
GLY864 Geology in Engineering Practice
GLY865 Clay Mineralogy for Engineering
GLY866 Tropical Soils
GLY867 Photogrammetry
OIG522 To Be Determined

Code Title
BSCGLY Bachelor of Science (Geology)
MPAGLY M.phil Applied Geochemistry
MPAGP M.Phil Applied Geophysics
MPAPG M.phil Applied Petroleum Geology
MPECOG M.phil Economic Geology
MPENGG M.phil Engineering Geology
MPENVG M.phil Environmental Geoscience
MPGLY M.phil Geology
MPMEXP M.phil Mineral Exploration
MPPG M.phil Petroleum Geology
MPPM M.phil Palynology/Micropaleontology
MPSGLY M.phil Sedimentology/ Geology
MSCAGP M.Sc. Applied Geophysics
MSCAPG M.Sc. Applied Petroleum Geology
MSCBTY M.Sc. Biostratigraphy
MSCEGLY M.Sc. Environmental Geology
MSCENGG M.Sc. Engineering Geology
MSCENVG M.Sc. Environmental Geoscience
MSCGLY M.Sc. Geology
MSCHYD M.Sc. Hydrogeology
MSCIPEES M.Sc. Integrated Petroleum Exploration & Evaluation Studies (Geology or Geophysics)
MSCMEXP M.Sc. Mineral Exploration
MSCPG M.Sc. Petroleum Geology
MSCSSG M.Sc. Sedimentology/Sedimentary Geology
PGDMEXP PGD. Mineral Exploration
PHDAG Ph.D Applied Geochemistry
PHDAGCH Ph.D. Applied Geochemistry
PHDAGP Ph.D Applied Geophysics
PHDAPG Ph. D Applied Petroleum Geology
PHDEGC Ph.D Environmental Geochemistry
PHDEHYD Ph.D. Enviromental/Hydrogeology
PHDENGG Ph.D. Engineering Geology
PHDENVG Ph.D Environmental Geoscience
PHDEVG Ph.D. Environmental Geology
PHDGLY Ph.D. Geology
PHDMEXP Ph.D Mineral Exploration
PHDPGLY Ph.D. Petroleum Geology

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