Code: |
Title: |
Study Mode: |
Undergraduate Full-Time
Degree: |
Start Level: |
100 (Year 1)
End Level: |
400 (Year 4)
Application Category: |
No Application
School Charges 1: | |
School Charges 2: | |
Additional Initial School Charges: |
Additional Returning School Charges: |
Custom Float 1 (not used): | |
Custom Float 2 (not used): |
Officer Name | Local Role |
Level | Semester | Cert. Course | Dep. Course | Title | Required |
100 | 1 | BOT111_100 | BOT111 | Diversity of Plants | True |
100 | 2 | BOT122_100 | BOT122 | Plant Form and Function | True |
200 | 1 | BOT211_200 | BOT211 | Lower Plants | True |
200 | 2 | BOT222_200 | BOT222 | Higher Plants | True |
200 | 2 | BOT224_200 | BOT224 | Introductory Genetics | True |
300 | 1 | BOT315_300 | BOT315 | Biostatistics | True |
300 | 1 | BOT318_300 | BOT318 | Phycology | True |
300 | 2 | BOT322_300 | BOT322 | Plant Anatomy | True |
100 | 1 | CHM111_100 | CHM111 | General Chemistry I | True |
100 | 1 | CHM113_100 | CHM113 | Organic Chemistry I | True |
100 | 2 | CHM122_100 | CHM122 | General Chemistry II | True |
100 | 2 | CHM124_100 | CHM124 | Organic Chemistry II | True |
100 | 1 | CSC111_100 | CSC111 | Programming Essentials | True |
200 | 1 | CSC211_200 | CSC211 | Structured Programming in PASCAL | True |
200 | 2 | CSC220_200 | CSC220 | Introduction to Data Processing | True |
200 | 1 | MCB210_200 | MCB210 | Introductory Microbiology | True |
100 | 1 | MTH112_100 | MTH112 | Calculus | True |
100 | 1 | ZOO111_100 | ZOO111 | Introductory Zoology | True |
100 | 2 | ZOO122_100 | ZOO122 | Functional Zoology | True |
200 | 1 | ZOO211_200 | ZOO211 | Environmental Ecology | True |
200 | 1 | ZOO213_200 | ZOO213 | Invertebrate Zoology | True |
200 | 1 | ZOO222_200 | ZOO222 | Histology | True |
200 | 2 | ZOO224_200 | ZOO224 | Vertebrate Zoology | True |
300 | 1 | ZOO311_300 | ZOO311 | Animal Physiology | True |
300 | 1 | ZOO312_300 | ZOO312 | ZOOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES | True |
300 | 1 | ZOO314_300 | ZOO314 | Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy | True |
300 | 1 | ZOO315_300 | ZOO315 | Introductory Hydrobiology | True |
300 | 1 | ZOO316_300 | ZOO316 | Introductory parasitology | True |
300 | 2 | ZOO323_300 | ZOO323 | COMPARATIVE ANIMAL EMBRYOLOGY | True |
300 | 2 | ZOO327_300 | ZOO327 | INTRODUCTORY ENTOMOLOGY | True |
300 | 2 | ZOO328_300 | ZOO328 | POPULATION ECOLOGY | True |
400 | 1 | ZOO400_400 | ZOO400 | SEMINARS | True |
400 | 1 | ZOO411_400 | ZOO411 | Environmental Physiology | True |
400 | 1 | ZOO413_400 | ZOO413 | Principles of Systematic Zoology | True |
400 | 1 | ZOO415_400 | ZOO415 | HYDROBIOLOGY | True |
400 | 1 | ZOO417_400 | ZOO417 | ENTOMOLOGY | True |
400 | 1 | ZOO418_400 | ZOO418 | Community and Ecosystem Ecology | True |
400 | 1 | ZOO419_400 | ZOO419 | APPLIED ZOOLOGY | True |
400 | 2 | ZOO422_400 | ZOO422 | Evolution | True |
400 | 2 | ZOO423_400 | ZOO423 | Animal behaviour | True |
400 | 2 | ZOO424_400 | ZOO424 | ZOOGEOGRAPHY | True |
400 | 2 | ZOO426_400 | ZOO426 | PARASITOLOGY | True |
400 | 2 | ZOO429_400 | ZOO429 | FISHERIES BIOLOGY AND AQUACULTURE | True |
400 | 2 | ZOO499_400 | ZOO499 | RESEARCH PROJECT | True |