Code: |
Title: |
Study Mode: |
Undergraduate Full-Time
Degree: |
Start Level: |
100 (Year 1)
End Level: |
500 (Year 5)
Application Category: |
School Fee 1: | |
School Fee 2: | |
Additional Initial School Fee: |
Additional Returning School Fee: |
Custom Float 1 (not used): | |
Custom Float 2 (not used): |
Officer Name | Local Role |
Level | Semester | Cert. Course | Dep. Course | Title | Required |
200 | 1 | BUL211_200 | BUL211 | Introduction to Computers | True |
500 | 1 | BUL511_500 | BUL511 | the law of Business Associations I | True |
500 | 1 | BUL512_500 | BUL512 | Labour law I | True |
400 | 1 | BUL514_400 | BUL514 | Law of Insurance, Banking, & Negotiable Instrument | True |
500 | 1 | BUL514_500 | BUL514 | Law of Insurance, Banking, & Negotiable Instrument | True |
500 | 2 | BUL521_500 | BUL521 | The law of Business Associations II | True |
500 | 2 | BUL523_500 | BUL523 | Labour law II | True |
400 | 2 | BUL525_400 | BUL525 | Law of Insurance, Banking, & Negotiable Instrument | True |
500 | 1 | BUS309_500 | BUS309 | Entrepreneurship | True |
500 | 2 | CED300_500 | CED300 | Entrepreneuship Development | True |
100 | 1 | ECO111_100 | ECO111 | Principles of Economics I | True |
100 | 2 | ECO121_100 | ECO121 | Principles of Economics II | True |
100 | 1 | ENL112_100 | ENL112 | Introduction to Poetry | True |
100 | 1 | ENL113_100 | ENL113 | Introduction to Prose Literature | True |
100 | 2 | ENL122_100 | ENL122 | Introduction to Creative Writing (Practical) | True |
100 | 2 | ENL123_100 | ENL123 | Introduction to Composition | True |
100 | 1 | GST111_100 | GST111 | Communication in English | True |
200 | 1 | GST111_200 | GST111 | Communication in English | True |
100 | 1 | GST112_100 | GST112 | Nigerian Peoples and Culture | True |
200 | 1 | GST112_200 | GST112 | Nigerian Peoples and Culture | True |
100 | 2 | GST121_100 | GST121 | Peace Studies and Conflicts Resolution | True |
200 | 2 | GST121_200 | GST121 | Peace Studies and Conflicts Resolution | True |
100 | 2 | GST122_100 | GST122 | Nigerian People and Culture | True |
200 | 2 | GST122_200 | GST122 | Nigerian People and Culture | True |
100 | 2 | GST123_100 | GST123 | History and Philosophy of Science and Technology | True |
200 | 2 | GST123_200 | GST123 | History and Philosophy of Science and Technology | True |
400 | 1 | HIS413_400 | HIS413 | History of Political Though-playo to Machiavelli | True |
500 | 1 | HIS415_500 | HIS415 | Comparative Industrial Growth In the Industrialized Countries | True |
400 | 2 | HIS423_400 | HIS423 | History of Political thought From Machiavelli to Present | True |
500 | 2 | JIL020_500 | JIL020 | Project | True |
100 | 1 | JIL111_100 | JIL111 | Introduction to Logic | True |
100 | 2 | JIL121_100 | JIL121 | Introduction to Logic | True |
400 | 2 | JIL421_400 | JIL421 | Public International Law II | True |
500 | 1 | JIL511_500 | JIL511 | Jurisprudendence & Legal Theory I | True |
500 | 1 | JIL513_500 | JIL513 | Conflict of Laws I | True |
500 | 1 | JIL515_500 | JIL515 | International Humanitarian Law I | False |
500 | 2 | JIL521_500 | JIL521 | Jurisprudence | True |
500 | 2 | JIL523_500 | JIL523 | Conflict of Laws | True |
500 | 2 | JIL527_500 | JIL527 | International Humanitarian Law II | False |
100 | 1 | POL111_100 | POL111 | Introduction to Political Science | True |
100 | 2 | POL121_100 | POL121 | Introduction to Political Science | True |
200 | 2 | POL122_200 | POL122 | Nigerian Constitutional Development | True |
200 | 1 | PPL211_200 | PPL211 | Law of Contract I | True |
200 | 1 | PPL213_200 | PPL213 | Customary Law I | False |
200 | 2 | PPL221_200 | PPL221 | Law of Contract II | True |
200 | 2 | PPL223_200 | PPL223 | Customary law II | False |
300 | 1 | PPL313_300 | PPL313 | Law of Succession I | False |
300 | 2 | PPL323_300 | PPL323 | Law of Succession II | False |
400 | 1 | PPL411_400 | PPL411 | Land law I | True |
400 | 1 | PPL412_400 | PPL412 | Equity and law of Trusts I | True |
400 | 1 | PPL414_400 | PPL414 | Law of Conveyancing I | False |
400 | 2 | PPL421_400 | PPL421 | Land law II | True |
400 | 2 | PPL422_400 | PPL422 | Equity and law of Trusts II | True |
400 | 2 | PPL424_400 | PPL424 | Law of Conveyancing II | False |
500 | 1 | PPL511_500 | PPL511 | Family law and Succession I | True |
500 | 2 | PPL521_500 | PPL521 | Family Law & Succession II | False |
100 | 1 | PUL111_100 | PUL111 | Legal Method I | True |
200 | 1 | PUL111_200 | PUL111 | Legal Method I | True |
100 | 2 | PUL121_100 | PUL121 | Legal Method II | True |
200 | 2 | PUL121_200 | PUL121 | Legal Method II | True |
200 | 1 | PUL211_200 | PUL211 | Nigerian Legal System I | True |
200 | 1 | PUL212_200 | PUL212 | Constitutional Law I | True |
200 | 1 | PUL215_200 | PUL215 | Administrative law I | True |
200 | 2 | PUL221_200 | PUL221 | Nigerian Legal System II | True |
200 | 2 | PUL222_200 | PUL222 | Constitutional law II | True |
200 | 2 | PUL225_200 | PUL225 | Administrative law II | True |
300 | 1 | PUL311_300 | PUL311 | Criminal Law I | True |
300 | 1 | PUL315_300 | PUL315 | Environmental law I | True |
300 | 2 | PUL321_300 | PUL321 | Criminal Law II | True |
300 | 2 | PUL325_300 | PUL325 | Environmental law II | True |
400 | 1 | PUL411_400 | PUL411 | Law of Evidence I | True |
400 | 2 | PUL421_400 | PUL421 | Law of Evidence II | True |
200 | 1 | SAA214_B_200 | SAA214_B | Social Psychology I | False |
200 | 2 | SAA224_B_200 | SAA224_B | Social Psychology II | False |