Study Mode:
Diploma Part-Time
Start Level:
100 (Year 1)
End Level:
200 (Year 2)
Application Category:
No Application
School Charges 1:
School Charges 2:
Additional Initial School Charges:
Additional Returning School Charges:
Custom Float 1 (not used):
Custom Float 2 (not used):

Local Roles

Officer Name Local Role

DICE Courses

Level Semester Cert. Course Dep. Course Title Required
100 1 DCE011_100 DCE011 Word Processing Packages True
100 2 DCE012_100 DCE012 Spread Sheets and Data Base Management True
100 1 DCE021_100 DCE021 Semi-Conductor Electronics True
100 2 DCE022_100 DCE022 Electronic Component Testing True
200 1 DCE031_200 DCE031 Computer Maintenance I True
100 2 DCE032_100 DCE032 Logic Design and Switching Thoery True
200 1 DCE041_200 DCE041 Microprocessors and Microcomputer Architechture True
200 2 DCE042_200 DCE042 Computer Graphics True
200 1 DCE051_200 DCE051 Computer Communication True
200 2 DCE052_200 DCE052 Computer Software Packages True
200 2 DCE062_200 DCE062 Computer Maintenance II True
200 2 DCE072_200 DCE072 Computer Programming True
200 2 DCE082_200 DCE082 Computer Assembly and Installation True
200 2 DCE092_200 DCE092 Computer Workshop Management True
200 2 DCE099_200 DCE099 Project True
100 1 ECH011_100 ECH011 General Chemistry (Introduction) True
100 2 ECH012_100 ECH012 Physical Chemistry False
200 1 ECH021_200 ECH021 Organic Chemistry False
100 1 ELA011_100 ELA011 Workshop Technology & Practice I True
100 1 EMA001_100 EMA001 Algebra & Statistics True
100 2 EMA012_100 EMA012 Geometry & Trigonometry False
200 1 EMA021_200 EMA021 Calculus and Differential Equations False
100 1 END011_100 END011 Engineering Drawing I False
100 1 EPH011_100 EPH011 Mechanics of Materials False
100 2 EPH012_100 EPH012 Heat, Optics, Waves and Sound False
200 1 EPH021_200 EPH021 Electromagnetism and Modern Physics True