Department of Human Kinetics and Sports Science (HKS)

Code Title
EDU113 Introduction to Statistics
HKS111 Fundamentals and Techniques of Track and Field Athletics
HKS112 Introduction to Human Kinetics and Sports Development
HKS113 Introduction to Human Biology
HKS114 History and Philosophy of Human Kinetics & Development
HKS115 Introduction to Recreation & Tourism
HKS116 Supervised Skill Practice I
HKS121 Skills and Techniques of Gymnastics
HKS122 Introduction to Aquatics
HKS123 Introduction to Sports Science
HKS124 Introduction to African & Modern Dance
HKS125 Supervised Skill Practice II
HKS211 Skills and Techniques of Individual and dual Sports (Table Tennis & Badminton)
HKS212 Sociology of Sports
HKS213 Psychology of Sports
HKS214 Nutrition In Physical Activities, Health and Well-being
HKS215 Introduction to Sports Management
HKS216 Sports Practicum I
HKS221 Skills and Techniques of Teams Sports (Soccer, Hockey & Volleyball)
HKS222 Theory and Practice of Physical Fitness and Conditioning
HKS223 Human Anatomy and Physiology
HKS224 Safety and Management of Sports Injuries
HKS225 Sports Practicum II
HKS311 Skills and Techniques of Individual and dual Sports (Tennis & Squash Racket)
HKS312 Skills and Techniques of Cricket and Golf
HKS313 Kinesiology
HKS314 Motor Skill Practice I & II
HKS321 Skills and Techniques of Team Sports (Basketball and Handball)
HKS322 Grassroot and Elite Sports Development Strategies
HKS323 Tests, Measurement and Evaluation in Human Kinetics and Sports
HKS324 Physiological Basis of Physical Activities & Sports Performance
HKS325 Management of Recreation Facilities, Programmes and Services
HKS326 Human Kinetics and Sports Performance Analysis
HKS411 Design, Construction and Maintenance of Sports Facilities
HKS412 Human Movement and Sports Curriculum Studies
HKS413 Bio-mechanics
HKS414 Policy, Legal and Political Issues in Sports
HKS415 Specialized Sports Skill Practice I & II
HKS421 Coaching and Officiating in Sports
HKS422 Motor Learning and Human Performance
HKS423 Management of Amateur and Professional Sports
HKS424 Adapted Human Kinetics and Sports
HKS425 Career Opportunities in Human kinetics and Sports
HKS426 Contemporary Issues in Human Kinetics and Sports
HKS801 Physical Fitness, Weight Control and Conditioning
HKS802 Educational Statistics, Motor Learning Practice & Practice
HKS803 Human Kinetics Curriculum Theories and Development
HKS804 Human Kinetics Instructional Theories
HKS805 Human Kinetics Knowledge Structure and the Curriculum
HKS806 Teacher Education and Supervision
HKS807 Human Kinetics and Sports Programmes in Primary and Secondary Schools
HKS808 Theory and practice of Organisation and Administration of sports Programmes
HKS809 Planning, Construction and Management of Sports Facilities
HKS810 Legal Liability in Sports and Human Kinetics Programmes
HKS811 Sport Financial Management
HKS812 Sports Programme Design, Organisation and Administration
HKS813 Human Kinetics and Sports Practicum
HKS814 Advanced Anatomy and Physiology in Human Kinetics
HKS815 Anthropometrics and Biochemistry of Exercise
HKS816 Nutrition, Ergogenic Aids and Human performance
HKS817 Kinesiological and Biochemical analysis of Human Performance
HKS818 Performance and Management of Sports Injuries
HKS819 Field and Laboratory Testing and Training
HKS899 Research Project
HKS901 Laboratory & Field Theories and Practice in Human Kinetics and Sports
HKS902 Human Kinetics Occupational Curriculum analysis
HKS903 Ideological Basis of Human Kinetics and Sports Curriculum
HKS904 Epistemological basis of Human Kinetics Curriculum
HKS905 Comparative Human Kinetic Curriculum Studies
HKS906 Teaching Behaviour Analysis Curriculum Studies
HKS909 Management and Administration of Professional Sports Clubs, National and International Sports Organizations
HKS910 Sports Law and Sports Policy Analysis (including International Sports Bodies)
HKS911 Advanced Biochemistry and Physiological Basis of Muscular Activities, Sports & Elite performance
HKS912 Physiotherapy Techniques and Human Kinetics and Sports
HKS913 Developmental and Remedial Exercise Programmes
HKS914 Advanced Kinesiology and Sports Performance
HKS999 PhD. Thesis
PED111 Skills and Techniques In Games & Sports
PED112 Principles of Physical Education
PED121 Historical and Philosophical Foundation of Physical Education
PED122 Physical Fitness Thrugh Selected Activities
PED123 African Traditional & Modern Dance
PED211 Skill and Techniques Games & Sports
PED212 Skills and Techniques In Games and Sports
PED214 Prevention & Care of Atletic Injuries
PED221 Organisation and Administration of Sports
PED222 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
PED223 Adapted Physical Education
PED224 Sociological Analysis of Sports
PED311 Skills and Technique In Games & Sports
PED312 Physical Education Curriculum
PED313 Kinesiology
PED314 Coaching Method and Practicum
PED321 Test, Measurement In P.h.e.
PED322 Community Recreation and Leisure Studies
PED323 Psychology of Sports Coaching
PED411 Skills and Teachniques In Games & Sports
PED412 Biomechanics of Sports Performance
PED413 Physiological Basis of Physical Activities & Sports
PED414 Theoretical Basis of Coaching
PED421 Motor Learning
PED422 Career Opportunities In Physical Education
PED423 Organisation and Administration of Sports

Code Title
BEHKESW B.Sc (Ed) Human Kinetics and Sports Development (Sandwich)
BSCEDHK B.Sc (Ed) Human Kinetics and Sports Development
BSCEDSCM B.Sc (Ed) Sports Coaching and Management
BSCEDSCMSW B.Sc (Ed) Sports Coaching and Management (Sandwich)
BSCEDSHP B.Sc (Ed) Sports Science and Human Performance
BSCEDSHPSW B.Sc (Ed) Sports Science and Human Performance (Sandwich)
MEDHKEP M.Sc (Ed) Exercise Physiology
MEDHKHKC M.Sc (Ed) Human Kinetics Curriculum
MEDHKRLT M.Sc (Ed) Recreation Education. Leisure And Tourism
MEDHKSM M.Sc (Ed) Sport Management
MSCEDHEK M.Sc. Human Kinetics
PHDHEK Ph.D. Human Kinetics
PHDHKC Ph.D. Human Kinetics and Sport Curriculum
PHDHKEP Ph.D. Exercise Physiology
PHDHKRLT Ph.D. Recreation Education, Leisure and Tourism Science
PHDHKSP Ph.D. Sport Management
PHDPHED Ph.D. Physical and Health Education

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