B.Sc (Ed) Library Information Science (BSCEDLB)

B.Sc (Ed) Library Information Science
Study Mode:
Undergraduate Full-Time
Start Level:
100 (Year 1)
End Level:
400 (Year 4)
Application Category:
School Charges 1:
School Charges 2:
Additional Initial School Charges:
Additional Returning School Charges:
Custom Float 1 (not used):
Custom Float 2 (not used):

Local Roles

Officer Name Local Role


Level Semester Cert. Course Dep. Course Title Required
100 2 CSC120_100 CSC120 Introduction to Software Packages False
100 1 EDU111_100 EDU111 History Of Education False
100 2 EDU121_100 EDU121 General Teaching Methods False
100 2 FOL116_B_100 FOL116_B Introduction to Practical French False
100 2 FOL126_B_100 FOL126_B Introduction To artificial intelligence False
100 1 GST111_100 GST111 Communication in English False
100 1 GST112_100 GST112 Nigerian Peoples and Culture False
100 2 GST121_100 GST121 Peace Studies and Conflicts Resolution False
100 2 GST122_100 GST122 Nigerian People and Culture False
100 2 GST123_100 GST123 History and Philosophy of Science and Technology False
100 1 LIS111_100 LIS111 Introduction to Library and Information Science False
100 1 LIS112_100 LIS112 Basic skills for Library and Information Work False
100 1 LIS113_100 LIS113 Introduction to ICT in Library Information Science False
100 1 LIS114_100 LIS114 Introduction to digital Libraries False
100 1 LIS115_100 LIS115 Information needs and services delivery to SMEs, Traders and Artisans False
100 2 LIS124_100 LIS124 Library and Information centre Visits and Orientation False
100 2 LIS125_100 LIS125 Introduction to Library Application packages False
100 2 LIS126_100 LIS126 Introduction to Block Chain Technology False
100 2 LIS127_100 LIS127 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence False
100 2 LIS128_100 LIS128 Introduction to Internet and Web Design False
200 1 LIS211_200 LIS211 Introduction to Bibliography False
200 1 LIS212_200 LIS212 Organisation of Knowledge I False
200 1 LIS213_200 LIS213 Library and Information Sources to the Rural Community False
200 1 LIS214_200 LIS214 Management of Library and Information Centres False
200 1 LIS215_200 LIS215 Libraries and Information Services to Children and Adolescents False
200 1 LIS216_200 LIS216 Serials Management False
200 2 LIS217_200 LIS217 The Information User False
200 2 LIS219_200 LIS219 Oral Tradition and Cultural Literature False
200 2 LIS220_200 LIS220 Computers and Data Processing False
200 2 LIS221_200 LIS221 Introduction to Information & Communication Technology in LIS False
200 2 LIS224_200 LIS224 Information Literacy False
200 2 LIS225_200 LIS225 Indigenous Knowledge System False
300 1 LIS311_300 LIS311 Organisation of Knowledge II False
300 1 LIS312_300 LIS312 Collection Development False
300 1 LIS313_300 LIS313 Reference and Information Services False
300 1 LIS314_300 LIS314 Technical Services in Library and Information Centres False
300 1 LIS315_300 LIS315 Communication and Writing Skills II False
300 1 LIS316_300 LIS316 National and Public Libraries and Information Centres False
300 1 LIS318_300 LIS318 Academic and Special Library and Information Centres False
300 1 LIS319_300 LIS319 Information Technology False
300 2 LIS321_300 LIS321 Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials False
300 2 LIS322_300 LIS322 Introduction to Information Science False
300 2 LIS323_300 LIS323 Research and Statistical Methods False
300 2 LIS325_300 LIS325 Community Needs Analysis and Information Service False
300 2 LIS326_300 LIS326 Field Experience (SIWES) I False
400 1 LIS411_400 LIS411 Research Project False
400 1 LIS412_400 LIS412 Field Experience (SIWES) II False
400 1 LIS413_400 LIS413 Indexing and Abstracting False
400 1 LIS414_400 LIS414 Automation in Library and Information Centres False
400 1 LIS415_400 LIS415 Government Publications False
400 1 LIS416_400 LIS416 Archives Administration and Recordds False
400 1 LIS417_400 LIS417 Publishing and Book Trade False
400 1 LIS418_400 LIS418 Bibliography and Literature of the Social Science False
400 2 LIS421_400 LIS421 Bibliography and Literature of Humanities False
400 2 LIS422_400 LIS422 Bibliography and Literature of Science and Technology False
400 2 LIS423_400 LIS423 Book Production and Publishing False
400 2 LIS424_400 LIS424 African Bibliography False
400 2 LIS425_400 LIS425 Editing Technical Writing and Journal Publishing False
400 2 LIS426_400 LIS426 Current Issues in ICT False