B.A. (Ed) French (BAEDFRC)

B.A. (Ed) French
Study Mode:
Undergraduate Full-Time
Start Level:
100 (Year 1)
End Level:
400 (Year 4)
Application Category:
School Charges 1:
School Charges 2:
Additional Initial School Charges:
Additional Returning School Charges:
Custom Float 1 (not used):
Custom Float 2 (not used):

Local Roles

Officer Name Local Role


Level Semester Cert. Course Dep. Course Title Required
300 2 CED300_300 CED300 Entrepreneuship Development True
100 2 EDU101_100 EDU101 Introduction to Teaching and Foundations of Education True
100 1 EDU111_100 EDU111 History Of Education True
200 1 EDU211_200 EDU211 Developmental Psychology True
200 1 EDU212_200 EDU212 Philosophy of Education True
200 2 EDU221_200 EDU221 Teaching Methods True
200 2 EDU222_200 EDU222 Sociology of Education True
200 2 EDU223_200 EDU223 Instructional Technology True
300 1 EDU300_300 EDU300 Supervised Teaching Practice I True
300 1 EDU311_300 EDU311 Curriculum Studies True
300 1 EDU312_300 EDU312 Educational Psychology True
300 1 EDU313_300 EDU313 Integrated Social Studies True
300 2 EDU321_300 EDU321 Introduction to Educational Research & Statistics True
300 2 EDU322_300 EDU322 Comparative Education True
400 1 EDU400_400 EDU400 Supervised Teaching Practice II True
400 1 EDU411_400 EDU411 Measurement and Evaluation True
400 1 EDU412_400 EDU412 Introduction to Educational Management False
400 2 EDU499_400 EDU499 Projects True
200 1 FOL210_200 FOL210 French Grammatical Structure I False
200 1 FOL211_200 FOL211 Oral and Written Comprehension False
200 1 FOL212_200 FOL212 Introduction to Literature In French True
200 1 FOL213_200 FOL213 Critical Appreciation of Literature False
200 1 FOL214_200 FOL214 Advanced French Conversation False
200 2 FOL220_200 FOL220 French Grammatical Structures II False
200 2 FOL221_200 FOL221 Oral and Written Comprehensive II False
200 2 FOL222_200 FOL222 Survey of french Literature, I6th and 17th Century False
200 2 FOL223_200 FOL223 Survey of African Literature In French True
200 2 FOL224_200 FOL224 Advanced French Conversation II True
200 2 FOL225_200 FOL225 Introduction to French Phonetics$ Phonology True
300 1 FOL310_300 FOL310 Translation I True
300 1 FOL311_300 FOL311 French Grammar I True
300 1 FOL312_300 FOL312 Applied French Phonetics I True
300 1 FOL313_300 FOL313 Culture and Civilization of France True
300 1 FOL314_300 FOL314 African Literature Written In French True
300 2 FOL320_300 FOL320 Translation II True
300 2 FOL321_300 FOL321 French Grammar II True
300 2 FOL322_300 FOL322 Applied French Phonetics II True
300 2 FOL323_300 FOL323 Introduction to French Prose True
300 2 FOL324_300 FOL324 African Literature In French (I960 to date) True
300 2 FOL327_300 FOL327 Communication Skills II True
400 1 FOL410_400 FOL410 Linguistics Applied to the Teaching of French I True
400 1 FOL411_400 FOL411 Advanced Translation I True
400 1 FOL412_400 FOL412 I9th Century French Literature True
400 1 FOL414_400 FOL414 African Oral Literature True
400 1 FOL418_400 FOL418 Advanced Studies In Communication Skills True
400 2 FOL420_400 FOL420 History of the French Language True
400 2 FOL421_400 FOL421 Advanced Translation II True
400 2 FOL422_400 FOL422 Descriptive Grammar True
400 2 FOL423_400 FOL423 20th Century French Literature True
400 2 FOL424_400 FOL424 African Literature In French True
400 2 FOL425_400 FOL425 Background Studies of Francophone African Countries True
100 1 FRE102_100 FRE102 Laboratory Exercise False
100 1 FRE103_100 FRE103 Introduction to French Grammar True
100 1 FRE104_100 FRE104 Introduction to Composition Writing in French True
100 1 FRE106_100 FRE106 Introduction to Literary Appreciation True
100 2 FRE107_100 FRE107 Introduction to French Literary Genres-Prose True
100 2 FRE108_100 FRE108 Introduction to Negro-African Literature in French True
100 2 FRE109_100 FRE109 Nigeria and Her Francophone Neighbours True
100 1 FRE110_100 FRE110 Introduction to French Grammar True
100 1 FRE111_100 FRE111 Laboratory Exercise True
100 1 FRE112_100 FRE112 Introduction to French Literary Genres-Prose True
100 1 FRE113_100 FRE113 Introduction to Composition Writing in French True
100 2 FRE121_100 FRE121 Laboratory Exercise II True
100 2 FRE122_100 FRE122 History of French Language True
100 2 FRE123_100 FRE123 Nigeria and her Francophone Neighbours True
100 2 FRE124_100 FRE124 French Conversation and Picture Reading II True
100 1 GST111_100 GST111 Communication in English True
100 1 GST112_100 GST112 Nigerian Peoples and Culture True