Department of Restorative Dentistry (RES)

Code Title
RES401 Removable Partial Prosthodontics
RES410 Removable Partial Prosthodontics
RES411 Complete Prosthodontics
RES412 Science of Dental Materials
RES413 Junior Operative Techniques [Lecture & Laboratory]
RES414 Pain Control In Restorative Dentistry
RES415 Introduction to Endodontics
RES416 Seminar Presentation
RES501 Clinical Endodontics
RES502 Clinical Operative Dentistry
RES503 Introduction to Occlusion
RES601 Occlusion
RES610 Occlosion
RES611 Clinical Removable Prosthondontics
RES612 Concervative Clinics
RES613 Clinical Fixed Prosthondontics and Implants
RES614 Special Prosthetic Appliances
RES615 Conservative Seminar
RES621 Advanced Clinical Endodontics
RES622 Prosthodontics Clinics
RES623 Concervative Clinic
RES624 Advance Operative Dentistry [Lecture & Laboratory]

Code Title

Officer Name Local Role