College of Education Warri PGD (COEWPGD)

Code Title

Code Title
BIOEDUCOE M.Sc.(Ed) Biology Education (COE)
BUSEDUCOE M.Sc. (Ed.) Business Education (COE)
CHMEDUCOE M.Sc.(Ed) Chemistry Education (COE)
COUPSYCOE M.Ed. Counselling Psychology (COE)
ECOEDUCOE M.Sc. (Ed.) Economics Education (COE)
ENGEDUCOE M.A(Ed) English education (COE)
LANEDUCOE M.A(Ed) Language education (COE)
MASEDUCOE M.Ed. Measurement and Evaluation (COE)
MGTEDUCOE M.Ed. Educational Management (COE)
MTHEDUCOE M.Sc.(Ed) Mathematics Education (COE)
PGDECOEW Post Graduate Diploma in Education (COEW)
PGDTCOEW Post Graduate Diploma in Technical Education (COEW)
POLEDUCOE M.Sc. (Ed.) Political Science Education (COE)
SOSEDUCOE M.Sc.(Ed) Social Studies Education (COE)

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