Department of Religions (REL)

Code Title
ART102 Survey of African Traditional Religion
CRS101 Source of Christianity
CRS106 Pauline Epistle
ISS107 The Sunnah and the Hadith of the Prophet
ISS112 Source, Vocabulary & Pillars of Islam
REL101 Hebrew Grammar
REL104 Introduction to Social Anthropology of Religion
REL105 Religion and Human Values
REL108 Introducing Asian Religion
REL110 Introduction to the Study of Religion I
REL110_B Introduction to Old Testament
REL111 Introduction to African Traditional Religion and Values
REL111_B Principal Elements of African Traditional Religion I
REL111_C Introduction to the Pentateuch and the Former Prophets
REL112 The Socio-Cultural Content of World Religions
REL112_B Introduction to Judaism
REL112_C Introduction to New Testament
REL113 Introduction to Old Testament Literature
REL113_B Introduction to Islam I
REL113_C Introduction to Arabic Language
REL114 Introduction to Islam I
REL114_B West African Traditional Religion
REL115 Introduction to the New Testament Literature
REL120 Introduction to the Study of Religion II
REL121 Introduction to African Traditional Religion II
REL121_B Principal Elements of African Traditional Religion II
REL122 Religion and Human Values
REL122_B Introduction to Christianity
REL123 The Synoptic Gospel
REL123_B Introduction to Christianity
REL124 Introduction to Islam II
REL125 Introduction to Pentateuch and the Former Prophets
REL210 Islamic Civilization
REL210_B Living Religions of the World I
REL211 History and Definition of Religion
REL211_B Introduction to Hinduism
REL212 Introduction to the Old Testament
REL212_B Traditional Religion in Africa I
REL213 New Testament Greek I
REL213_B Introduction to the old Testament
REL214 Religion and Ethnicity in Nigeria
REL214_B Jesus & the Gospel Tradition
REL215 Religion and Environmetal Ethics
REL215_B Church History II
REL216 Church History I
REL216_B Islamic Civilization
REL217 Living Religions of the World
REL217_B Advance Practical French
REL218 Introduction to German Language I
REL220 Islam in the World Today
REL220_B Living Religions of the World II
REL221 Religion and Social Change in Nigeria
REL221_B Introduction to Buddhism
REL222 Introduction to the New Testament
REL222_B Traditional Religion in Africa II
REL223 New Testament Greek II
REL223_B Introduction to new Testament
REL224 Religion and Ethics in Africa
REL224_B The Quest for the Historical Jesus
REL225 The Gospel of Matthew
REL225_B Church History II
REL226 Church History II
REL226_B Islam In the World Today
REL227 Indigenous Religions in West Africa
REL227_B Level II of Fundamental French
REL228 Introduction to German Language II
REL310 Philosophy of Religion I
REL310_B Philosophy of Religion I
REL311 History of Christianity in West Africa
REL311_B Sociology of Religion I
REL312 Shari'ah: The Islamic Law in Nigeria
REL312_B Traditional Religion In West Africa I
REL313 Sociology of Religion I
REL313_B Topics In old Testament
REL314 The History of Islam in West Africa
REL314_B Topics In new Testament I
REL315 Research Methodology
REL315_B Pauline Christianity I
REL316 Biblical Hebrew I
REL316_B The History of Christainity In West Africa
REL317 The Johannine Writings
REL317_B Islamic Institutions I
REL318 Topics In Islamic Theology I
REL319 Studies In German Language & Literature
REL320 Philosophy of Religion II
REL320_B Philosophy of Religion II
REL321 Comparative Relidion
REL321_B Sociology of Religion II
REL322 Religions, The Family and Kinship in Africa
REL322_B Traditional Religion II
REL323 Sociology of Religion II
REL323_B Topics In old Testament II
REL324 The Gospel of Mark
REL324_B Topics In new Testament II
REL325 Religions and Social-Political Institution in Africa
REL325_B Pauline Christianity II
REL326 Biblical Hebrew II
REL326_B Islam & Other Religions In West Africa
REL327 Islamic Revivalism in the Contemporary Society
REL327_B Islam Institutions II
REL328 Topic In Islamic Theology II
REL410 The Reformation I
REL410_B Seminar (in Comparative Religion; Africa Traditional)
REL411 Religion and Gender Studies in Africa
REL411_B Introduction to Baha'i Faith
REL412 Old Testament Theology
REL412_B Traditional Religion In Nigeria I
REL413 The Gospel of Luke
REL413_B The Reformation I
REL414 The Acts of the Apostles
REL414_B Vatican II and After I
REL415 Islamic Philosophy
REL415_B Islamic Philosophy
REL416 Phenomenology of Religion
REL416_B Mysticism In Islam
REL417 Seminar/Long Essay
REL418 Pentecostal and Charismatic Movement in Africa
REL420 The Reformation II
REL420_B Research Project (in Comparative Religion, Africa Traditional, Religion, Judeo-Christian Studies, or Islamic Studies)
REL421 The Pauline Epistles
REL421_B Messianic & Indigenization Movements Modern Africa
REL422 New Testament Theology
REL422_B Traditional Religion In Nigeria II
REL423 The Supreme Being in African Traditional Religion
REL423_B The Reformation II
REL424 A Survey of the Book of Revelation
REL424_B Vatican II and After II
REL425 The Four Orthodox Caliphs in Islam
REL425_B Islamic Philosophy
REL426 African Church Movements in Nigeria
REL427 Project/Long Essay

Code Title
BARTREL Bachelor of Arts (Religious Studies)
MAACTC M. A. African Christian Theology and Contextualization
MAATR M. A. African Tradition Religion
MABBS M. A. Biblical Studies
MACHIS M. A Church History
MACSR M. A. Comparative Study of Religion
MAISS M. A. Islamic Studies
MAPOR M.A Philosophy of Religion
MAREL M.A Religions
MASOR M.A. Sociology of Religion
MAWGSR M. A. Woman and Gender Studies in Religion
MPACTC MPhil / Ph.D. African Christian Theology and Contextualization
MPATR MPhil / Ph.D. African Tradition Religion
MPBS MPhil / Ph.D. Biblical Studies
MPCHIS MPhil / Ph.D. Church History
MPREL MPhil / Ph.D. Religion
PHDACTC Ph.D. African Christian Theology and Contextualization
PHDATR Ph.D. African Tradition Religion
PHDBSS Ph.D. Biblical Studies
PHDCHIS Ph.D. Church History
PHDCSR Ph.D. Comparative Study of Religion
PHDISST PhD Islamic Studies
PHDPHILR Ph.D. Philosophy of Religion
PHDREL Ph. D. Religions
PHDSOR Ph.D Sociology of Religion

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