Department of Linguistics Studies (LST)

Code Title
LAL001 Language Knowledge Requirement
LAL002 Language Knowledge Requirement
LAL111 Language and Society
LAL112 Introduction to Linguistics 1
LAL113 Introduction to Phonetics
LAL121 Language In Use
LAL122 Introduction to Linguistics II
LAL123 Phonetic Analysis & Transcription
LAL211 Introduction to Phonetics
LAL212 Historical Survey of Linguistics
LAL213 History Survey of Linguistics
LAL221 Phonetic Analysis & Transcription
LAL222 Introduction to Acoustic Phonetics
LAL223 Contrasts of Language Structures
LAL311 Experimental Phonetics
LAL312 Phonological Models I: Generative Phonology
LAL313 Introduction to Syntactic Analysis
LAL314 Semantics I: Lexical Semantics
LAL315 Pidgin & Crole Language
LAL316 Child Language Acquisition
LAL317 Dicourse Analysis
LAL321 Sociolinguistics I: Multilingualism
LAL322 Phonological Models II: Non-generative Phonology
LAL323 Introduction to Syntax II
LAL324 Research Methods
LAL325 Survey of African Linguistics
LAL326 Language & Culture
LAL327 Study of the Structure of Selected Languages
LAL411 Socioliguistics II
LAL412 Topics In Phonology
LAL413 Topics In Syntax
LAL414 Semantics II: Post Lexical Semantics
LAL415 Survey of Applied Linguistics
LAL416 Language & Translation
LAL417 Psycholinguistics
LAL418 Intro. to the Structure of Selected Becomes Lal327; Study
LAL419 Pidgin and Creole Language
LAL421 Language Planning & Language Development
LAL422 Historical & Comparative Linguistics
LAL423 Classification of African Languages
LAL424 Project
LAL425 Topics In Phonetics
LAL426 Language & Philosophy
LAL427 Dialectology
LAL429 Language and Culture
LAL511 Topics in Phonology
LAL512 Topics in Syntax
LAL513 Semantics II: Post-Lexical Semantics
LAL514 A survey of Applied Linguistics
LAL521 Language Planning and Development
LAL522 Historical & Comparive Linguistics
LAL523 Classification of African Languages
LAL524 Project
LAL811 Phonological Theory
LAL812 Syntactic Theory
LAL813 Semantic Theory
LAL814 Topics in African Linguistics
LAL815 Topics in Applied Linguistics
LAL816 Topics in Historical/Comparative Linguistics
LAL821 Advanced Analysis in Phonology
LAL822 Advanced Analysis in Syntax and Semantics
LAL824 Research Methods
LAL826 Language Universals
LAL827 Topics in Sociolinguistics
LAL828 Topics in Psycholinguistics
LAL911 Seminar in Current Advances in Phonology
LAL912 Seminar in Current Advances in Syntax and Semantics
LAL913 Specialization Seminar
LEL111 Edo Phonetics I: An Introduction
LEL112 Literary Skills in Edo
LEL121 Varieties of Edo
LEL122 Introduction to Edo Culture
LEL211 Introduction to Edo Grammar I
LEL212 Creative Writing in Edo
LEL213 Edo Oral Literature
LEL221 Edo Phonetics II
LEL222 Introduction to Edo Grammar II
LEL311 A Survey of Edo Literature
LEL312 Critical Appreciation of Edo Drama
LEL313 Critical Appreciation of Edo Drama
LEL321 Edo Translation
LEL322 Edo Translation
LEL323 Studies In Edo Poetry
LEL411 Edo Phonology
LEL412 Edo Morphology
LEL413 Edo Semantics
LEL421 Introduction to Edo Syntax
LEL422 Studies in Edo Poetry
LEL423 Benin Kingdom since 1800
LEL424 Project In Edo
LEL511 Comparative Edo
LEL512 Advanced Edo Translation
LEL513 Benin Kingdom to 1800
LEL521 Topics in Edo Phonology
LEL522 Topics in Edo Syntax
LEL523 Benin Kingdom since 1800
LEL524 Project in Edo
LIL111 Literary Skills In Igbo I
LIL112 Ethnography of Nigeria
LIL121 Varieties of Igbo Language
LIL122 Literarcy Skill In Igbo II
LIL211 Igbo Phonetics
LIL212 Introduction to Igbo Culture
LIL213 Introduction to Igbo Oral Literature
LIL221 Igbo Morphology
LIL222 Literary Skills In Igbo II
LIL223 Introduction to Igbo Written Literature
LIL311 Igbo Phonology I
LIL312 Aspects of Igbo Prose
LIL321 Igbo Syntax I
LIL322 Introduction to Igbo Poetry
LIL411 Igbo Phonology II
LIL412 Igbo Syntax II
LIL413 Aspects of Igbo Prose
LIL421 Igbo Translation
LIL422 Igbo Language & Culture
LIL511 Igbo Semantics
LIL512 Aspects of Igbo Drama
LIL521 Igbo Language and Culture
LIL522 Igbo Project
LLE111 Introductio to Edo Phonetics I
LLE112 Literarcy Skills In edo
LLE121 Varieties of edo
LLE122 Introduction to Edo Culture I
LLE211 Introduction to edo Grammar
LLE212 Creative Writing In edo
LLE213 A Survey of Edo Literature
LLE221 Edo Phonetics
LLE222 Introduction to edo Grammar II
LLE223 Critical Appreciation of edo Prose
LLE311 Edo Phonology
LLE312 Edo Morphology
LLE313 Critical Appreciation of Edo Drama
LLE321 Introduction to Edo Syntax
LLE322 Translations
LLE323 Studies in Edo Poetry
LLE411 Comparative Edo
LLE412 Advanced Edo translation
LLE413 Bini Kingdom to 1800 (His411)
LLE421 Topic in Edo Phonology
LLE422 Topics In edo Syntax
LLE423 Bini Kingdom Since I800 (his. 421)
LLE424 Project in Edo
LLI311 Igbo Phonology I
LLI312 Aspects of Igbo Prose
LLI321 Igbo Syntax I
LLI322 Introduction to Igbo Poetry
LST111 Language and Society
LST112 Introduction to Linguistics I
LST113 Introduction to Phonetics
LST121 Language in use
LST122 Introduction to Linguistics II
LST123 Phonetic Analysis and Transcription
LST211 Introduction to Phonology
LST212 Morphology
LST213 Historical Survey of Linguistics
LST221 Introduction to Acoustic Phonetics
LST222 Introduction to Syntax I
LST223 Lexicography
LST228 Proficiency Course in A Second Language
LST229 Fundamental French - Level II
LST311 Experimental Phonetics
LST312 Phonological Models I: Generative Phonology
LST313 Syntactic Models I: Generative Syntax
LST314 Semantics I: Lexical Semantics
LST315 Pidgins and Creoles Languages
LST317 Discourse Analysis
LST321 Sociolinguistics I: Multilingualism
LST322 Phonological Models II: Non-Generative Phonology
LST323 Syntactic Models II: Non Generative Syntax
LST324 Research Methods
LST325 Survey of African Linguistics
LST326 Language and Culture
LST411 Sociolinguistics II
LST412 Topics in Phonology
LST413 Topics in Syntax
LST414 Semantics II: Post-Lexical Semantics
LST415 A Survey of Applied Linguistics
LST416 Language and Translation
LST417 Psycholinguistics
LST422 Historical and Comparative Linguistics
LST423 Classification of African Linguistics
LST424 Project
LST425 Topics in Phonetics
LST426 Language and Philosophy
LST427 Dialectology

Code Title
BARTLST B.A. Linguistics Studies
BIL B.Arts (Linguistics) PT
MAALIN M.A. African Linguistics
MAAPLIN M.A. Applied Linguistics
MAHCL M.A. Historical/Comprative Linguistics
MALUNI M.A. Language Universals
MAPHO M.A. Phonology
MAPSY M.A. Psycholinguistics
MASEM M.A. Semantics
MASOL M.A. Sociolinguistics
MASSEM M.A. Syntax And Semantics
MASYN M.A. Syntax
MPHILLIN M.Phil Linguistics and African Languages
MPHLIN M.Phil Linguistics
MPHSOL M Phil. Sociolinguistics
MPSSEM M. Phil Syntax And Semantics
PHDALAN Ph.D. African Linguistics
PHDAPLIN Ph.D. Applied Linguistics
PHDHCL Ph.D. Historical/Comparative Linguistics
PHDLUNI Ph.D. Language Universals
PHDPHON Ph.D. Phonology
PHDPSYC Ph.D. Psycholinguistics
PHDSEM Ph.D. Semantics
PHDSOL Ph.D. Sociolinguistics
PHDSSEM Ph.D. Syntax And Semantics
PHDSYN Ph.D. Syntax

Officer Name Local Role