Code: |
Title: |
B.A. (International Studies & Diplomacy)
Study Mode: |
Undergraduate Full-Time
Degree: |
Start Level: |
100 (Year 1)
End Level: |
400 (Year 4)
Application Category: |
School Charges 1: | |
School Charges 2: | |
Additional Initial School Charges: |
Additional Returning School Charges: |
Custom Float 1 (not used): | |
Custom Float 2 (not used): |
Officer Name | Local Role |
Level | Semester | Cert. Course | Dep. Course | Title | Required |
300 | 2 | CED300_300 | CED300 | Entrepreneuship Development | True |
200 | 1 | CSC211_200 | CSC211 | Structured Programming in PASCAL | False |
200 | 2 | CSC220_200 | CSC220 | Introduction to Data Processing | False |
200 | 1 | ENT211_200 | ENT211 | Entrepreneurship and Innovation | True |
200 | 1 | FAC201_200 | FAC201 | Digital Humanities: Application of Computer in the Arts | True |
200 | 2 | FAC202_200 | FAC202 | The Arts and Other Disciplines | True |
100 | 1 | FOL116_100 | FOL116 | Practical French | False |
100 | 2 | FOL126_100 | FOL126 | Intermediate Practical French Sructures | False |
200 | 1 | FOL217_200 | FOL217 | Advanced Practical French | False |
100 | 1 | FRE118_100 | FRE118 | Practical French | True |
100 | 2 | FRE128_100 | FRE128 | Practical French II | True |
200 | 1 | FRE217_200 | FRE217 | Advanced Practical French | True |
200 | 2 | FRE227_200 | FRE227 | Advanced Practical French | True |
100 | 2 | GEO102_100 | GEO102 | Introduction to Human Geography | True |
100 | 2 | GEO103_100 | GEO103 | Introduction to Practical Geography | True |
100 | 1 | GST111_100 | GST111 | Communication in English | True |
100 | 1 | GST112_100 | GST112 | Nigerian Peoples and Culture | True |
100 | 2 | GST121_100 | GST121 | Peace Studies and Conflicts Resolution | True |
100 | 2 | GST122_100 | GST122 | Nigerian People and Culture | True |
100 | 2 | GST123_100 | GST123 | History and Philosophy of Science and Technology | True |
200 | 1 | GST212_200 | GST212 | Philosophy, Logic and Human Existence | True |
200 | 1 | GST312_200 | GST312 | Peace and Conflict Resolution | True |
100 | 1 | ISD101_100 | ISD101 | Introduction to International Studies | True |
100 | 1 | ISD102_100 | ISD102 | A Survey of African Societies and Politics I | True |
100 | 1 | ISD103_100 | ISD103 | A Survey of European Societies and Politics I | True |
100 | 1 | ISD104_100 | ISD104 | Inter-Group Relations in Nigeria to 1500 | True |
100 | 2 | ISD105_100 | ISD105 | Introduction to Diplomacy | True |
100 | 2 | ISD106_100 | ISD106 | A Survey of African Societies and Politics II | True |
100 | 2 | ISD107_100 | ISD107 | A Survey of European Societies and Politics II | True |
100 | 2 | ISD108_100 | ISD108 | Inter-Group Relations in Nigeria, 1500-1900 | True |
100 | 2 | ISD109_100 | ISD109 | Introduction to World Regional Geography | True |
100 | 1 | ISD110_100 | ISD110 | Popular Culture in Africa | True |
100 | 2 | ISD111_100 | ISD111 | Patterns of Modern International Migration | True |
100 | 1 | ISD112_100 | ISD112 | A Survey of European Societies and Politics I | True |
100 | 1 | ISD113_100 | ISD113 | Inter-Group Relations in Nigeria Early Times to 1500 | True |
100 | 2 | ISD120_100 | ISD120 | Introducto to International Studies and Diplomacy II | True |
100 | 2 | ISD121_100 | ISD121 | A Survey of African Societies and Politics II | True |
100 | 2 | ISD122_100 | ISD122 | A Survey of European Societies and Politics II | True |
100 | 2 | ISD123_100 | ISD123 | Inter-Group Relations in Nigeria 1500-1900 | True |
200 | 1 | ISD210_200 | ISD210 | The International Political System I | True |
200 | 1 | ISD211_200 | ISD211 | Early Settlement and Group Relations in Southern Africa to 1800 | True |
200 | 1 | ISD212_200 | ISD212 | State Relations in the Magherb and the Nile Valley to 1800 | True |
200 | 1 | ISD213_200 | ISD213 | Introduction to Bargaining and Conflict Resolution I | True |
200 | 2 | ISD220_200 | ISD220 | the International Political System II | True |
200 | 2 | ISD221_200 | ISD221 | Race Relations in South Africa since 1910 | True |
200 | 2 | ISD222_200 | ISD222 | Inter. Relat. of the Maghreb and the Nile Valley In the I9th & 20th | True |
200 | 2 | ISD223_200 | ISD223 | Introduction to Bargaining and Conflict Resolution II | True |
300 | 1 | ISD310_300 | ISD310 | Economic Systems in west Africa to 1860 | True |
300 | 1 | ISD311_300 | ISD311 | International Relations of Europe I815-1914 | True |
300 | 1 | ISD312_300 | ISD312 | Introduction to Contemporary Strategic Studies | True |
300 | 1 | ISD314_300 | ISD314 | Non-state Actors In International Relations | True |
300 | 1 | ISD316_300 | ISD316 | Phylosohpy and Methodology of Inter. Studies and Diplomacy I | True |
300 | 1 | ISD317_300 | ISD317 | International Economic Relations | True |
300 | 2 | ISD320_300 | ISD320 | History of Internatioanal Organisations | True |
300 | 2 | ISD321_300 | ISD321 | Diplomatic Relations of Europe I914-1945 | True |
300 | 2 | ISD324_300 | ISD324 | Modern African Political Thoughts | True |
300 | 2 | ISD325_300 | ISD325 | American Foreign Relation 1910 - 1945 | True |
300 | 2 | ISD326_300 | ISD326 | Phylosohpy and Methodology of Inter. Studies & Diplomacy II | True |
300 | 2 | ISD328_300 | ISD328 | Foreign Polocies of the Super Powers Since I945 | True |
400 | 1 | ISD410_400 | ISD410 | Advanced Contemporary Strategic Studies | True |
400 | 1 | ISD411_400 | ISD411 | Negerian Foreign Policy Since I960 | True |
400 | 1 | ISD412_400 | ISD412 | International Relation Since I945 | True |
400 | 1 | ISD413_400 | ISD413 | Phylosophical Thoughts In International Relations | True |
400 | 1 | ISD414_400 | ISD414 | Africa Art and Music In International Relations | True |
400 | 1 | ISD415_400 | ISD415 | Insurgency and Counter Insurgency | True |
400 | 1 | ISD416_400 | ISD416 | Research Project | True |
400 | 2 | ISD420_400 | ISD420 | Foreign Polocies of African States | True |
400 | 2 | ISD421_400 | ISD421 | Advance Bargaining and Conflict Resolution | True |
400 | 2 | ISD422_400 | ISD422 | OAU- A Study in African International Relations | True |
400 | 2 | ISD423_400 | ISD423 | Informatioon Management In International Relations | True |
400 | 2 | ISD424_400 | ISD424 | Regional Cooperation and Integration in West Africa | True |
400 | 2 | ISD425_400 | ISD425 | Modrn Diplomatic Practice | True |
400 | 2 | ISD426_400 | ISD426 | Research Project | True |
400 | 1 | JIL411_400 | JIL411 | Public Internatinal law I | False |
100 | 1 | PHL102_100 | PHL102 | Argument and Critical Thinking I | True |
100 | 2 | PHL124_100 | PHL124 | Argument and Critical Thinking II | True |
100 | 1 | POL112_100 | POL112 | Organisation of Government | False |
100 | 2 | POL122_100 | POL122 | Nigerian Constitutional Development | False |
200 | 1 | POL204_200 | POL204 | Foundation of Political Economy | True |
200 | 2 | POL207_200 | POL207 | The Political Geography of Africa | True |
200 | 2 | POL223_200 | POL223 | Introduction to International Relations | False |
300 | 1 | POL313_300 | POL313 | Public Policy Analysis | True |
300 | 1 | POL318_300 | POL318 | Introduction to Security Studies | True |
300 | 2 | POL326_300 | POL326 | Politics of International Economic Relations | True |
300 | 2 | POL328_300 | POL328 | Theory and Practice of Marxism | True |
200 | 1 | PUL215_200 | PUL215 | Administrative law I | True |
200 | 2 | PUL225_200 | PUL225 | Administrative law II | False |
200 | 1 | SAA214_200 | SAA214 | Social Psychology I | False |
200 | 2 | SAA224_200 | SAA224 | Social Psychology II | False |