Department of Fine and Applied Art (FAA)

Code Title
ADS710 Advanced Draughtsman ship
ADS720 Advanced Draughtsman ship
AGP214 Introduction to Graphic Design
AGP310 Printmaking and Illustration I
AGP311 Advertising Design Systems and Methods I
AGP312 Photography I
AGP313 Advertising Communication and Media I
AGP314 Visual Presentation I
AGP320 Printmaking and Illustration II
AGP321 Advertising Design Systems and Methods II
AGP322 Photography II
AGP323 Advertising Communication and Media II
AGP324 Visual Presentation II
AGP410 Printmaking and Illustration III
AGP411 Advertising Design Systems and Methods III
AGP412 Photography III
AGP413 Advertising and Society I
AGP414 Special Project I
AGP420 Printmaking and Illustration IV
AGP421 Advertising Design Systems and Methods IV
AGP422 Photography IV
AGP423 Advertising and Society II
AGP424 Special Project II
APA710 Advanced Printmaking Workshop
APA712 Advanced Advertising and Communication
APA714 Advanced Photography in Illustration Production
APA716 Advanced Graphic Design
APA720 Advanced Printmaking
APA722 Advanced Advertising and Communication
APA724 Advanced Photography in Ill. Production
APA726 Advanced Graphic Design
APC222 Introduction to Ceramics
APC223 Introduction to Ceramics
APC310 Handbuilding I
APC311 Wheel Throwing I
APC312 Theory of Ceramic Technology I
APC313 Ceramics Sculpture I
APC314 Architectural Ceramics I
APC320 Handbuilding II
APC321 Wheel Throwing II
APC322 Theory of Ceramic Technology II
APC323 Ceramics Sculpture II
APC324 Architectural Ceramics II
APC410 Handbuilding III
APC411 Advanced Wheel Throwing I
APC412 Theory of Ceramic Technology III
APC413 Kiln Design and Building I
APC414 Special Project I
APC420 Handbuilding IV
APC421 Advanced Wheel Throwing II
APC422 Theory of Ceramic Technology IV
APC423 Kiln Design and Building II
APC424 Special Project II
APC710 Seminars in Clay & Glaze Tech. I
APC711 Advanced Ceramics I
APC712 History of Ceramics I
APC713 Professional practice in Ceramics I
APC720 Seminars in Clay & Glaze Tech. II
APC721 Advanced Ceramics II
APC722 History of Ceramics II
APC723 Professional Practice in Ceramics
APC810 Graduate Seminar in Art
APC811 Master Project Report
APE321 The Fashion Industry
APE322 Design and Construction
APE410 Fashion Design II
APE413 Fashion Drawing III
APE423 Fashion Drawing IV
APF215 Introduction to Fashion Design
APF310 History of Fashion
APF311 Fashion Construction Techniques
APF312 Fashion Drawing I
APF313 Pattern Making and Draping
APF320 Fashion Design I
APF321 The Fashion Industry
APF322 Design and Construction
APF323 Fashion Drawing II
APF410 Fashion Design II
APF411 Fashion Merchandising I
APF412 Independent Study in Fashion
APF413 Fashion Drawing III
APF414 Special Project
APF414_B Tailoring
APF420 Fashion Design III
APF421 Fashion Merchandising II
APF422 Independent Study In Fashion II
APF423 Fashion Change
APF424 Special Project
APF424_B Fashion Change
APG214 Introduction to Graphic Design
APG310 Introduction to Printing Techniques, Print Processing/Finish
APG311 Design Communication and Branding Methods
APG313 Designing for the Web (Web Design)
APG315 Cartoon, Animation/Motion Graphics I
APG315_B Photography for Non-Graphic Major I
APG325 Photography for Non-Graphic Major I
APG410 Printing Techniques (Print Process/Finish) II
APG411 Design Communication and Branding Methods II
APG412 Advertising Design Systems, Media & Methods II
APG413 Designing for the Web (Web Design) II
APG414 Animation, Cartoon/Motion Graphics II
APG414_B Special Projects I
APG415 Special Project I
APG420 Printing Techniques (Print Process/Finish) III
APG421 Design Communication and Branding Methods III
APG422 Advertising Design Systems, Media & Methods III
APG423 Designing for the Web (Web Design) III
APG424 Cartoon, Animation/Motion Graphics II
APG425 Special Project II
APG710 History of Printmaking
APG712 Reading in Printmaking
APG714 Printmaking Workshop I
APG716 Printmaking Workshop III
APG722 Reading in Printmaking
APG723 Contemporary Printmaking in Nigeria
APG724 Printmaking Workshop II
APG726 Printmaking Workshop IV
APG810 Graduate Seminar
APG811 Project Report
APM224 Introduction to Metal Design
APM310 Jewellery I
APM311 Metal Smithing I
APM312 Theory of Metals I
APM313 Metal Designing I
APM314 Foundry Practice I
APM320 Jewellery II
APM321 Metal Smithing II
APM322 Theory of Metals II
APM323 Metal Designing II
APM324 Foundry Practice II
APM410 Jewellery III
APM411 Metal Smithing III
APM412 Theory of Metals III
APM413 Metal Designing III
APM414 Special Project I
APM420 Jewellery IV
APM421 Metal Smithing IV
APM422 Theory of Metals IV
APM423 Metal Designing IV
APM424 Special Project II
APT221 Introduction to Textiles
APT222 Introduction to Textiles
APT310 Textile Design and Technology I
APT311 Printed and Dyed Textiles I
APT312 Woven and Constructed Textiles I
APT313 History of Textiles
APT320 Textile Design and Technology II
APT321 Printed and Dyed Textiles II
APT322 Woven and Constructed Textiles II
APT323 Textile Merchandising I
APT410 Textile Design and Technology III
APT411 Printed and Dyed Textiles III
APT412 Woven and Constructed Textiles I
APT413 Special Project I
APT414 Textile Merchandising II
APT415 Interior Decoration & Maintenance of Textile tools, Equipment and Materials
APT420 Textile Design & Technology
APT421 Printed and Dyed Textiled IV
APT422 woven and Constructed Textile
APT423 Special Project II
APT424 Textile Merchandising III
APT425 Interior Decoration & Maintenance of Textile tools, Equipment and Materials
APT425_B Woven and Constructed Textile
APT710 Advanced Colour and Surface Design in Textiles
APT711 Colour and Fibre Technology
APT712 Advanced Woven and Constructed Textile
APT713 Textiles Industry and Management
APT720 Advanced Colour and Surface Design in Textiles
APT721 Colour and Fibre Technology
APT722 Advanced Woven and Constructed Textiles
APT723 Textile Industry and Management
APT810 Graduate Seminar (Two Papers)
APT811 Project Report
CAD114 Computer Appreciation I
CAD124 Computer Appreciation II
CAD216 Computer Appreciation III
CAD226 Computer Appreciation IV
CAD316 Computer Aided Design II
CAD326 Computer Aided Design III
DFC007 Fundamental Ceramics
DFC023 Hand Building
DFC024 Wheel Throwing
DFC025 Architectural & Scultural Ceramics
DFC030 Hand Building II
DFC031 Wheel Throwing II
DFC032 Architectural & Scultural Ceramics II
DFD002 General Drawing I
DFD009 General Drawing II
DFD026 General Drawing III
DFD033 General Drawing IV
DFF013 Fundamental Fashion Design
DFF023 Fashion Construction I
DFF024 Fashion Drawing I
DFF025 Pattern Making I
DFF030 Fashion Construction II
DFF031 Fashion/Drawing II
DFF032 Pattern Making II
DFG012 Fundamental Graphic Design
DFG020 Advertising Design I
DFG021 Printmaking I
DFG022 Advertising Communication
DFG027 Advertising Design II
DFG028 Printmaking II
DFG029 Advertising Communication II
DFH003 History of Arts (Africa) I
DFH010 History of Arts (European) II
DFL014 Principles of Art
DFM004 Fundamental Meta Design
DFM023 Metal Design I
DFM024 Metal Smiting I
DFM025 Foundry Practice I
DFM030 Metal Designing II
DFM031 Metal Smiting II
DFM032 Foundry Practice II
DFP005 Fundamental Painting
DFP023 Life Painting I
DFP024 Composition I
DFP025 Mixed Media I
DFP030 Life Painting II
DFP031 Composition II
DFP032 Mixed Media II
DFS011 Fundamental Sculpture
DFS020 Life Study
DFS021 Plastic Design
DFS022 Reproduction Method
DFS027 Life Study
DFS028 Plastic Design II
DFS029 Reproduction Method II
DFT006 Fundamental Textile Design
DFT020 Textile Design & Processes I
DFT021 Printing & Dyeing I
DFT022 Woven Textile I
DFT027 Textile Design & Processes II
DFT028 Printing & Dyeing II
DFT029 Woven Textiles II
FAD112 Drawing I
FAD122 Drawing II
FAD210 Drawing III
FAD220 Drawing IV
FAD314 Drawing V
FAD324 Drawing VI
FAD415 Drawing VII
FAD425 Drawing VIII
FAE225 Research Methods
FAE314 Drawing V
FAE315 Art Education I
FAE325 Art Education II
FAF110 Fundamental studies in 2D Design
FAF111 Fundamental studies in 3D Design
FAF112 Drawing I
FAF113 Art: Nature and Meaning I
FAF120 Fundamental Studies in 2D Design
FAF121 Fundamental Studies in 3D Design
FAF122 Drawing II
FAF123 Art: Nature and Meaning II
FAF133 Art, Nature And Meaning
FAH212 Introduction to Sculpture
FAH213 African Art History I
FAH221 African Art history II
FAH223 African Art History II
FAH310 European Adventure & Colonialism in Africa
FAH311 Geography of Africa & Problems in African Art History
FAH312 European Art (Pre-history - Middle Ages)
FAH313 Rock Art of Africa
FAH314 Modern Nigerian Art (1920s - 1970s)
FAH315 Art Education I
FAH316 African Art History III
FAH326 African Art History IV
FAH410 Politics of African Identity
FAH411 A Survey of West African Arts
FAH412 Oriental Arts
FAH413 Art Schools and Workshops
FAH414 Art Criticism
FAH416 European Art History
FAH417 World Art History
FAH420 Politics of African Identity II
FAH421 Special Project
FAH422 Contemporary Art in East & South Africa
FAH423 African Diaspora Issue Based Art
FAH424 Museum Studies
FAH425 Drawing VIII
FAH426 African Art History Project
FAH427 World Art History II
FAP112 Drawing
FAP120 Fundamental Studies in 2D Design
FAP211 Introduction to Painting
FAP310 Life Painting I
FAP311 Composition I
FAP312 Mixed Media I
FAP313 Materials and Methods I
FAP320 Life Painting II
FAP321 Composition II
FAP322 Mixed Media II
FAP323 Materials and Methods II
FAP410 Life Painting III
FAP411 Composition III
FAP412 Mixed Media III
FAP413 Visual Aesthetics I
FAP414 Special Project I
FAP420 Life Painting IV
FAP421 Composition IV
FAP422 Mixed Media IV
FAP423 Visual Aesthetics II
FAP424 Special Project II
FAP710 Advanced Draughtsman ship
FAP712 Advanced Figure Painting
FAP713 Advanced Composition
FAP714 Advanced Media Work
FAP716 Advanced Painting
FAP720 Advanced Draughtsman ship
FAP722 Advanced Figure Painting
FAP723 Advanced Composition
FAP724 Advanced Media Work
FAP726 Advanced Painting
FAP810 Graduate Seminar
FAP811 Project Report
FAS212 Introduction to Sculpture
FAS310 Life Study I
FAS311 Plastic Design I
FAS312 Materials and Reproduction Methods I
FAS313 Theory of Sculpture I
FAS315 Introduction to Woodcarving I
FAS320 Life Study II
FAS321 Plastic Design II
FAS322 Materials and Reproduction Methods II
FAS323 Theory of Sculpture II
FAS325 Introduction to Woodcarving II
FAS410 Special Project I
FAS411 Plastic Design III
FAS412 Metal Casting I
FAS413 Theory of Sculpture III
FAS415 Woodcarving III
FAS420 Special Project II
FAS421 Plastic Design IV
FAS422 Metal Casting II
FAS423 Theory of Sculpture IV
FAS425 Woodcarving IV
FAS710 Advanced Studies in Form and Three Dimensional Design
FAS712 Material Technology
FAS714 Advanced Casting
FAS716 Environmental Sculpture
FAS720 Advanced Studies in Form of Three Dimensional Design
FAS722 Material Technology
FAS724 Advanced Casting
FAS726 Environmental Sculpture
FAS810 Graduate Seminar
FAS811 Project Report
FFA112 Elementary Painting I
FFA113 Art: Nature and Meaning I
FFA115 Fundamental Drawing I
FFA116 Introduction to 3D Design I
FFA117 Introduction to 2D Design
FFA118 Art, Nature and Meaning I
FFA122 Elementary Painting II
FFA123 Art, Nature and Meaning II
FFA125 Fundmental Drawing II
FFA126 Introduction to 3D Design II
FFA127 Introduction to 2D Design II
FFA128 Art, Nature and Meaning II
MCA710 Methods & Criticism
MCA720 Methods and Criticism I
RMW710 Research Method and Writing Skills
RMW720 Research Methods and Writing sills

Code Title
BEDFAPT B. A. Fine Arts
MAARTHIS M.A. (Art History)
MAFAS M. A. Fashion Design
MAMD M A Metal Design
MFAA Masters in Fine and Applied Arts
MFAADV MFA Advertising
MFAGRA M.A. Fine Arts (Graphics)
MFAPRT MFA Print making
MFASCP MFA Sculpture
MFATEX MFA Textile/ Fashion
MPHILSC M.Phil Fine & Applied Arts (Sculture)
PHDAART Ph.D. African Art
PHDACRT Ph.D. Art Criticism
PHDCER Ph.D. Ceramics
PHDEART Ph.D. European Art
PHDFAS Ph.D Fashion Design
PHDGRA Ph.D. Graphics
PHDPNT Ph.D. Painting
PHDSCP Ph.D. Sculpture
PHDTD Ph.D. Textile Design
PHDVA Ph.D Visual Arts (Printmaking)

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