Department of English and Literature (ENL)

Code Title
CMP300 Introduction to Computers
CMP301 Application of Computers to the Arts
ENL110 A Survey of English Language
ENL110_B Elementary English Syntax I
ENL111 Introduction to Morphology and Syntax
ENL111_B English Phonetics & Phonology I
ENL112 Introduction to Poetry
ENL112_B Introduction to Prose Fiction
ENL113 Introduction to Prose Literature
ENL113_B Introduction to Poetry
ENL114 Narrative Composition
ENL115 History of the English Language
ENL120 Introduction to General Phonetics & Phonology I
ENL120_B Elementary English Syntax II
ENL121 Introduction to Drama
ENL121_B English Phonetics and Phonology II
ENL122 Introduction to Creative Writing (Practical)
ENL122_B Introduction to Drama
ENL122_C Intermediate Composition
ENL123 Introduction to Composition
ENL123_B Introduction to African Oral Literature
ENL124 Descriptive Essay
ENL210 A Survey of English Literature from Anglo-saxon to the Elizabethan Period
ENL210_B Intermediate English Syntax I
ENL211 Advanced English Composition I
ENL211_B English Phonetics and Phonology III
ENL212 The English Novel from the 19th Century
ENL212_B Expository Composition
ENL213 Spoken English (Practical)
ENL213_B Medieval and Renaissance Literature
ENL214 Literature, Popular Culture & the Mass Media
ENL214_B Introduction to Modern African Literature
ENL215 17th Century Literature
ENL216 Survey of African Oral Literature
ENL220 Advanced English Syntax
ENL220_B Intermediate English Syntax II
ENL221 Advanced English Composition II
ENL221_B English Morphology
ENL222 Varieties of English Language (English based pidgin and creoles)
ENL222_B Arguementative Composition
ENL223 Modern English Drama
ENL223_B Elizabethan Drama
ENL224 Introduction to General Phonetics & Phonology II
ENL224_B Survey of African Oral Literature
ENL225 Creative Writing II
ENL225_B I7th Century English Literature
ENL226 Restoration and 18th Century Literature
ENL227 Language and Society
ENL310 Contemporary English Usage
ENL310_B English Discouse Analysis
ENL311 Phonology of English
ENL311_B Varieties of English
ENL312 Folklore in African Literature I
ENL312_B English Phonetics & Phonology IV
ENL313 Nigerian Oral Literatures in English Translation
ENL313_B Restoration and I8th Century English Literature
ENL314 Introduction to Semantics
ENL314_B African Prose Fiction
ENL315 Literature and Society
ENL315_B American Literature
ENL316 African-American and Caribbean Literature
ENL316_B Gender Studies
ENL320 English for Business Communication
ENL320_B Theories of Syntax
ENL321 English for Mass Communication
ENL321_B English for Business Communication
ENL322 Commonwealth Literature
ENL322_B English for mass Communication
ENL323 World Literatures in Translation
ENL323_B Romantic Poetry
ENL324 Creative Writing II
ENL324_B Modern African Drama
ENL325 Discourse Analysis
ENL325_B Major Genres of African Oral Literature
ENL326 Research Methods
ENL326_B Creative Writing
ENL327 Research Methods in English and Literature I
ENL410 English Semantics
ENL411 The English Language In Nigeria
ENL412 Victorian Literatures
ENL414 Literary Theory and Research
ENL415 African-American and Caribbean Literature
ENL420 The History of the English Language
ENL421 Literary Stylistics
ENL422 20th Century British Literature
ENL423 World Literatures In Translation
ENL424 Long Essay
ENL425 Research Methods in English and Literature II
ENL800 Advanced Language Theories and Research
ENL801 Advanced English Phonetics & Phonology
ENL802 Advanced English Syntax and Morphology.
ENL803 Studies in the Situational Varieties of English
ENL804 Studies in English Semantics
ENL805 Studies in Literary Stylistics (Compulsory for Literature students)
ENL806 Studies in English as a Second Language
ENL807 Advanced Literary Theory & Research Method
ENL808 Theory of Oral Literature & Folklore Research
ENL809 Advanced Practical Criticism
ENL810 Studies in Poetry
ENL811 Studies in Prose Fiction
ENL812 Studies in Drama
ENL813 Studies in African Oral Poetry
ENL814 Studies in African Oral Narratives
ENL815 Studies in Traditional Drama
ENL820 Project

Code Title
MAAOL M.A. African Oral Literature
MAENL M.A. English Language
MAENLIT M.A. English & Literature
MALIT M.A. Literature in English
MPAOL M.Phil African Oral Literature
MPENL M.Phil English Language
MPLIT M.Phil Literature in English
PHDAOL Ph.D. African Oral Literature
PHDENL Ph.D. English Language
PHDLIT Ph.D. Literature In English

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