Department of Soil Science (SOS)

Code Title
AGR401 Agricultural Meteorology
AGR409 Report Writing
SLM211 Introduction to Soil Science
SLM311 Soil Physics
SLM312 Pedology
SLM321 Soil Chemistry and Microbiology
SOS211 Introduction to Soil Science
SOS221 Intro. Soil Science
SOS311 Soil Pedology and Physics
SOS321 Soil Chemistry and Microbiology
SOS401 Farm Survey, Design and Land use
SOS402 Soil Fertility, Soil and Water Management
SOS511 Soil Physics
SOS512 Soil Morphology, Survey and classification
SOS513 Soil and Plant Analysis
SOS514 Soil Microbiology
SOS521 Chemical Fertilizers
SOS522 Soil Chemistry
SOS523 Soil Management
SOS525 Soil Fertility
SOS526 Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry
SOS598 Seminar
SOS599 Special Project
SOS811 Fertilizer manufacture and Use
SOS812 Soil Microbiology
SOS813 Mineralogy of Soil and Sediments
SOS814 Soil Chemistry
SOS815 Soil Physics
SOS816 Soil Management and Conservation
SOS821 Evaluation and Management of Soil Fertility
SOS822 Soil-Water-Plant Relationships
SOS823 Soil-Water-Plant Relationships
SOS824 Pedology and Land use
SOS898 Seminar
SOS899 Thesis

Code Title
BAS Bachelor in Soil Sciences PT
MSCEPE M.Sc. Env. Quality Management (Physiology and Ecotoxicology)
MSCESS M.Sc. Environmental Soil Science
MSCFIE M. Sc Fisheries Economics
MSCSCC M.Sc. Soil Chemistry and Conservation
MSCSCFPN M.Sc. Soil Chemistry/Fertility/Plant Nutrition
MSCSCM M.Sc. Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy
MSCSCMI M.Sc. Soil Chemistry and Minerology
MSCSFT M.Sc. Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Technology
MSCSMB M.Sc. Soil Science (Microbiology/Biochemistry)
MSCSMBP M.Sc. Soil Science (Microbiology/Biochemistry)
MSCSMIB M.Sc. Soil Science (Microbiology)
MSCSOS M.Sc. Soil Science
MSCSOSP M.Sc. Soil Science (Pedology)
MSCSPC M.Sc. Soil Physics and Conservation
MSCSPMC M.Sc. Soil Physics Soil Management and Conservation
MSCSSL M.Sc. Soil Science (Soil Survey and Land Use Planning)
PHDCFPN Ph.D. Soil Chemistry/Fertility/Plant Nutrition
PHDESS Ph.D. Environmental Soil Science
PHDSCFPN Ph.D. Soil Chemistry/Fertility /Plant Nutrition
PHDSCM Ph.D. Soil Chemistry and Minerology
PHDSFT Ph.D. Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Technology
PHDSMIB Ph.D. Soil Science (Microbiology)
PHDSOPHY Ph.D Soil Science (Soil Physics)
PHDSOS Ph.D. Soil Science
PHDSOSP Ph.D. Soil Science (Pedology)
PHDSPC Ph.D. Soil Physics and Conservation
PHDSSL Ph.D. Soil Science (Soil Survey and Land Use Planning)

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